Thursday, July 1, 2010

Catch Up

I have neglected to update in a long time. By the way, everything worked out with the theft and border debacle -- I got my visa in order, and was able to get money via Western Union. Here are some highlights from the rice terraces onward!

The Rice Terraces

The terraces, created over 500 years ago, stretch on for many miles throughout the valley.

The local farmers were gracious enough to let James (the English bloke) and I try our hand at planting a terrace.

Amy (Irish), me, Emma

The Stone Forest near Kunming

The stone forest was created by volcanic activity in the ocean 270 million years ago.

Motobike a la chicken

The unfortunate fate of the public traveler in China

Hot pot -- pig brains and fish heads.



Motorbiking and hiking in Sapa

1 comment:

  1. The stone forest looks amazing! Glad things are better :)


