Sunday, May 30, 2010

Beijing: wrapping up the 2nd day

Yesterday we got quite a bit done-- really hit the tourist spots! We started out the day taking the subway to Tienanmen Square and went through the gates to the Forbidden City. That place is huge! Like a labyrinth of temples, pagodas, i don't know. Well we spent about 3 hours there and went on to Jingshan Park immediately behind it. From there, we ascended to an ancient tower atop a hill, where we had a panoramic view of the whole city--incredible how long skyscrapers stretch for.

Me and our guide Emma. Real name? ...I'm gonna get to the bottom of it.

Then, famished, we found the perfect spot to satisfy our hunger. McDonald's. Where I had a much appreciated BigMac and Coke. After that we walked a few blocks west and happened upon Bei Lake and the bar district-- a very picturesque lake, surrounded by bars and restaurants that come alive at night (more about this later!).

Went back to the hostel, had a little rest, and then about 6 of us fared a Chinese Banquet Dinner on our own (where the table orders several large plates and picks from them with chopsticks, onto a little tea cup-sized saucer to eat from). Then we had the bright idea of heading back to the bar district and going for drinks. Man, was it alive on a Saturday night-- almost every place had a Chinese rock band, with fog, lights and the whole setup. I was used to about 10 Yuan beers (about $1.50), but they were 40-50 Yuan here. We each bought a round at several places. At this one place, the piss-drunk owner came over and sat with us. He hated Americans, so after he pressured me into being German, I asceeded, and he PROCEEDED to send us two rounds of beer on the house. Apparently I made the mistake of mentioning Thailand, and he became quite upset and smashed a bottle of beer on the ground beside us. That's when we got up and rushed out of there, as he screamed Chinese obscenities behind us. Finally, we hit up a hookah bar, and then headed back for the night around 2 a.m. Fell asleep to a Chinese soccer match, though we hovered for a bit on Jackie Chan hair restoration infomercial.